Principle | Branding & Creative Agency | Dublin, Ireland


Fertile ground for brand building.

The Corcoran Group have a long history of global source and supply. Recognising that there was something special inside the organisation, they believed that there was an opportunity for them to grow their existing base and expand into new markets.

Principle were asked to review their brand, give them a fresh perspective and together help them sharpen their focus both inside and out around a clear brand proposition.

We explored the day to day operations with key personnel, developing a base understanding for how they, their suppliers and customers interacted. We broadened into a full team discovery workshop with representation from all departments which gave us a firm understanding of the culture and allowed us develop a clearly defined strategy.



Powering Ambition

The opening description of the business had been stated as “we are distributors in the middle of a supply chain”. We felt that was under representing the value that Corcoran delivered for their clients as it focused on product as the driving force, and not the Corcoran team.

Corcoran’s true value to their customer is that they partner and expertly ‘align’ supply and demand in a seamless manner that facilitate manufacturing processes and ‘powers’ their client’s ambition. This led us to develop the strong client-focused tagline ‘Powering Ambition’.

We amalgamated the business names, which previously had been split into Corcoran Chemicals and Corcoran Products. This aligned the company under one totem and simplified brand communications.


Aligning the Corcoran team.

The Corcoran team have quite a dynamic nature and had already developed a culture of challenging convention to deliver for their clients. We helped to verbally pin down those cultures and codify them into a set of values they could identify with.

Having identified their unique personality traits, we worked on developing a distinct tone, giving direction and voice to their brand and communications.


Injecting vitality into the visual and verbal identity.

Having the culture foundations in place, we created a visual Brand Kit along with key messaging and purposeful copy to capture the new energy of the brand.

The new brandmark represents Corcoran’s role in closing the circle in the supply chain. It is a simple geometric solution that also works as a graphic element throughout communications. This is complemented by a set of graphic motifs, which represent global sourcing, distribution and packaging. Together with newly commissioned photography, a high contrast colour palette and new typographic treatments, these create the elements in their contemporary and visually dynamic design system. The new brand system was encapsulated in a brand book that is a reference point for the brand going forward.