Principle | Branding & Creative Agency | Dublin, Ireland


For every child, a future.

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. In Ireland, UNICEF raise much needed funds to support this global cause for children. They achieve this through the kindness of once-off donors, as well as through a community of monthly supporters and, now more than ever, legacy donors, those people inspired and committed to leave a gift in their will to support children.

Redefining legacy giving.

UNICEF are acutely aware of the generosity of a gift in will, as well as the considerations and commitment the legacy giver makes in doing so. They asked us to help them build a legacy giving brand that captures what it truly means to leave a gift in your will to children through UNICEF.

Reflecting a lasting legacy.

Through a number of groups and workshops we explored and examined the challenges and emotional rewards that a legacy donor experiences in that legacy gift. We spoke to those that had completed the journey and have included UNICEF in their will and those on the journey to completion to understand their experience. It’s a deeply personal matter for a donor, a sensitive matter that takes time, thought and reflection. We felt that this time spent under consideration is a result of the true meaning of leaving a gift in a will – it’s a reflection of a life lived and the values held – it’s a note to posterity.

The joy of giving.

We developed the brand name ‘GoodWill’ to impart optimism and aspiration. Will-writing is a sensitive, and for some, a sombre matter, but through leaving a gift in your will to UNICEF you can spread true joy and brighten the lives of countless vulnerable children. We also worked with UNICEF to simplify their messaging and hone a tone of voice that is always warm, practical and considerate to this unique audience.

And we all shine on…

Through the visual identity we wanted to communicate positivity, the celebration of life and the passing on of cherished values. The vibrant, eye-catching colour palette lends an uplifting feel and allows for dynamic design applications, while the Univers typeface strongly links back to the UNICEF parent brand. GoodWill’s graphic devices drew inspiration from ancient Karmic Astrology symbols where the simple deconstructed circle communicates both reflection and continuation. The devices are a practical and flexible component within the brand’s toolkit and help form part of what is an overall distinctive and ownable identity.


Brand Strategy

– Research & Insight
– Stakeholder Interviews
– Donor Interviews
– Workshops
– Brand Alignment
– Brand Positioning
– Tone of Voice
– Naming
– Tagline
– Messaging

Brand Identity

– Visual Brand Identity
– Verbal Brand Identity

Brand Expression

– Digital & Social Comms.
– Advertising

For the donor, this time spent under consideration is a result of the true meaning of leaving a gift in a will – it’s a reflection of a life lived and values held – it’s a note to posterity.

GoodWill’s graphic devices drew inspiration from ancient Karmic Astrology symbols where the simple deconstructed circle communicates both reflection and continuation.

Through the visual identity we wanted to communicate positivity, the celebration of life and the passing on of cherished values. The vibrant, eye-catching colour palette lends an uplifting feel.