Principle | Branding & Creative Agency | Dublin, Ireland

Digital Design

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Build a better mousetrap and they’ll beat a path to your door. It’s not quite like that so we optimise your site to make sure that the search engines (Google) know you’re there. There are two levels of optimisation – on-page and off-page and we help clients, in particular, with their on-page optimisation.

On-Page SEO

It’s basic housekeeping that we ensure each site is headed and tagged correctly, and with Google in mind, but our main focus is on the content of your site. The secret to on-page SEO is relevancy and regularity. Your content must relevant to the user who has conducted a search. You want them to spend time on the site not only to convert, but to increase your quality score. However, it should also be regularly updated so that they come back, as this also displays positively with engines. On-site blogs are a key tool here.

We conduct keyword research to establish how your market seeks out your product or service, how competitive the market is and discover niches in search terms that might bring you closer to the top. We write your copy to ensure that there are appropriate references to it in the website’s content. The level of competition within your market is a key factor in how much time you should invest here.

Off-Page SEO

The primary purpose of off-page SEO is to build inbound links to your website. The goal is to inform the engines that not only do you exist but that you are considered an influential element within your industry. This is longer-term, six months plus and we consult with the best brains in optimisation to develop your particular programme.